Implicit Variables
${ requestScope}Maps request-scoped variable names to their values ${pageContext} The context for the JSP page.
${ param}Maps a request parameter name to a single value ${session} The session object for the client.
${ paramValues} Maps a request parameter name to an array of values. ${header} Maps a request header name to a single value.
${ request} The request triggering the execution of the JSP page. ${response} The response returned by the JSP page.
${ headerValues}Maps a request header name to an array of values ${cookie} Maps a cookie name to a single cookie
${ initParam}Maps a context initialization parameter name to a single value.${pageScope} Maps page-scoped variable names to their values
${ applicationScope}Maps application-scoped variable names to their values ${ servletContext}The context for the JSP page's servlet.
${ sessionScope}Maps session-scoped variable names to their values  
(a && b) ; a and b And (first needs escape on & as &)a + b Addition
(a < b) ; a lt b Less than (first needs escape on < as <) a - b Subtraction
(a >b) ; a gt b Greater than (first needs escape on >as >) a * b Multiplication
(a <= b) ; a le b Less than or Equals (first needs escape on < as <) a / b ; a div bDivision
(a >= b) ; a ge b Greater than or Equals (first needs escape on >as >) a % b ; a mod bModulo
empty a is empty or null - a Negative
a || b ; a or b Or ! a ; not a Not
a == b ; a eq b Equals a != b ; a ne bNot Equals
a ? b : c Evaluate B or C, depending on the result of the evaluation of A a instanceof b a instaceof b
JSP Functions
${fn: trim(text)}string = trim(text) ; remove whitespace at front and end${ fn:indexOf (text, search)} int = text indexOf search
${fn: containsIgnoreCase ( text, search)}true/false = text constains search ignoring case ${ fn:substring (text, 6, -1)} string = substring of text
${fn: replace ( text, search, replace)}string = replace search in text with replace ${ fn:UpperCase (text)} string = upper case of text
${fn: split ( text, seperator)}array = split text into array on seperator ${ fn:toLowerCase (text)} string = lower case of text
${fn: join ( array, seperator)}string = linkes collection with seperator ${fn:contains (text, search)} true/false = text constains search
${fn: length ( txtOrCol)}int = length of string or collection size${fn:endsWith (text, postifx)} true/false = text endsWith postfix
${fn: substringAfter ( text, search)}string = the textstring after search ${fn:escapeXml (text)} string = escpae xml characters in text
${fn: substringBefore ( text, search)}string = the textstring before search ${fn:startsWith (text, prefix)}true/false = text starts with prefix